Senior Adventures

A September to Remember for Kids and Families

The Florida Keys are full of attractions that can make vacation days together absolutely unforgettable for parents, kids, grandparents and extended families. And from Sept. 3-30, the Key West Attractions Association invites families to explore everything from fun-filled tours to watersports adventures with the value-added "Kids Free" program.

By |2018-08-22T21:39:36-04:00August 22, 2018|

Sea Turtle Time in the Keys!

It's sea turtle nesting and hatching season in the Florida Keys — AND two sea turtles rehabilitated at Marathon's Turtle Hospital were recently released to take part in the famed Tour de Turtles. Keys visitors and residents are buzzing about heartwarming video of brand-new hatchlings and the chance to track the Tour de Turtles "competitors" online.

By |2021-05-13T16:00:20-04:00August 15, 2018|

The ‘Papa’ and Paula

Paula Deen’s husband, Michael Groover, looks a lot like Ernest Hemingway. So much, in fact, that he triumphed over 150 other entrants to win the 2018 Sloppy Joe’s Hemingway® Look-Alike Contest, the undisputed highlight of Key West’s annual Hemingway Days festival.

By |2021-05-13T15:49:48-04:00July 25, 2018|

Authors and Artists Make Key West a Creative Haven

Artists, authors, playwrights and poets have been lured to Key West and seized upon its one-of-a-kind environment of creativity, natural beauty and sometimes eccentric qualities — making it the muse for some of their most acclaimed career accomplishments.

By |2020-04-09T15:12:26-04:00June 6, 2018|

Mario’s Magic

Mario Sanchez depicted the Key West of his youth, and its often eccentric inhabitants, with intricate detail and affectionate humor. The late Mario was called the greatest Cuban-American folk artist of the 20th century, and he was recently inducted into the Smithsonian American Art Museum -- the first Key West artist to earn this honor.

By |2018-01-10T16:25:16-05:00January 10, 2018|

January is for Foodies in the Florida Keys

This January, food and wine enthusiasts can sample the the Florida Keys' culinary delights at five fantastic cuisine celebrations. Each one spotlights local chefs’ creativity, indigenous ingredients like unparalleled fresh fish and seafood, and premium wines. And the Keys' subtropical weather provides another "tasty" reason for a January escape to the welcoming island chain.

By |2018-01-06T23:20:06-05:00December 27, 2017|

Southernmost Snow, ‘Fur Kids’ Meet Santa and Decking the Hulls

Despite the Florida Keys' subtropical climate, residents tend to go a little overboard with holiday decorations (for example, an inflatable 10-foot-tall reindeer perched atop a small houseboat!) and throw themselves gleefully into extended merrymaking. In fact, from Key Largo to Key West, the December calendar is packed with events designed to spread seasonal cheer.

By |2017-12-08T15:46:28-05:00November 29, 2017|

Discover the Keys Connection

The Florida Keys are rich in "mañana mindset," irreverent humor and unexpected joys. Now is a great time to discover and connect with the island chain and the spirit that defines it — and with the special Keys experiences that will make your senses tingle and your smile spread from ear to ear.

By |2021-05-13T15:37:04-04:00November 7, 2017|
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